Vogue Publication / Cyhoeddiad Vogue - North Wales Newborn Photographer

malltraeth cob and snowdonia landscape - south wales photographer

*ewch i waelod y dudalen i ddarllen yn Gymraeg*

Vogue Publication - North Wales Newborn Photographer

It’s Monday again! Did you have a lovely weekend? Snow, anyone? We had enough to make it impossible to drive down our hill to the main road, but not enough to close Elsi’s school. There wasn’t even enough to make a snowman, much to Elsi’s disappointment. No school, no snow! Seeing as I haven’t got any snowy photos to share with you, I’ll share this one instead. I wouldn’t usually post a photo like this, because it’s a landscape photo from Anglesey, and I’m a family photographer in North Wales. But, (and I almost can’t believe that I get to write this) last week I had a lovely surprise when I found out that this photo has been accepted by Vogue! Actual Vogue! This means that the have published it online and given me my own personal portfolio. I am so happy (and still shocked) that someone apart from me actually likes my photos! Who would’ve thought?!

I took this photo before we moved to Anglesey. It’s taken from the Cob at Malltraeth, looking over Coedwig Niwbwrch (Newborough Forest) towards Eryri (Snowdonia mountain range). I grew up on Anglesey, and I could see Eryri from my bedroom window. It’s so true that you don’t appreciate what you’ve got until it’s gone! This photo has made me think more closely about a few things:

  • Anglesey is a stunning, magical, beautiful place. Of course I already knew that, but the people at Vogue must agree with me!

  • Do what you love without thinking about what the reward will be. This photo was a holiday snap, it was taken when Elsi was tired and cold and wanted to go back to the car. I didn’t take it to make money from it or as part of my business, the only reason I took it was because I love that view.

  • Take photos! Life happens sooooooooo quickly, it’s far too easy to never take your foot off the pedal and not realise that the children are a year older, it’s Christmas again, or that you’re in your mid 30s and not your late 20s!!

So if you live on Anglesey or around North Wales, please get in touch so that I can capture your family’s story. I can’t stop time (sorry!) but I can create a way for you to remember what your family’s life looks like right now.

Clare x

About Me

Hi, I’m Clare, a North Wales newborn photographer who loves working outdoors with natural light. I cover Anglesey, North Wales and Cheshire for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book your family’s newborn photoshoot North Wales, I can’t wait to meet you!

cors ddyga ac eryri - south wales photographer

Mae’n ddydd Llun eto! Dwi gobeithio naethoch chi fwynhau’r wicend - pwy gafodd eira? Gafon ni ddigon fel bod hi’n amhosib gyrru lawr yr allt at y lôn fawr, ond dim digon i gau ysgol Elsi. Dim digon chwaith i neud dyn eira, felly siomedig iawn oedd y fechan - dim ysgol a dim dyn eira chwaith! Felly gan bod genai ddim lluniau eira i rannu efo chi, mi na rannu’r llun yma. Fel arfer, sw’n i’m yn postio llun fel ‘ma achos ei fod yn dirlun o Sir Fôn, a ffotograffydd plant sy’n gweithio ar draws Caerdydd a Bro Morgannwg ydw i. Ond, (a dwi bron iawn methu coelio bod fi’n cael deud hyn!) wsos dwytha mi ges i sioc lylfi wrth ddarganfod bod y llun wedi cael ei dderbyn gan Vogue. Mae hyn yn golygu’u bod nhw wedi ei gyhoeddi ar eu gwefan a rhoi portffolio personol i fi! Dwi mor mor bles, ac i ddeud y gwir dal mewn sioc bod rhywun arall heblaw fi yn hoffi fy lluniau! Pwy sa’n meddwl?!

Mi nes i dynnu’r llun yma tro dwytha i ni fod yn Sir Fôn. Mae o wedi cael ei dynnu yn sefyll ar y Cob ym Malltraeth, yn edrych draw dros goedwig Niwbwrch at fynyddoedd Eryri. Ges i’m magu yn Sir Fôn, ac mi o’n i’m gallu gweld Eryri o ffenest fy lloft. Mam bach, do’n i’m yn gwybod pa mor lwcus o’n i ar y pryd! Dwi’n meddwl bod y llun yma wedi dangos ‘chydig o betha i fi:

  • Mae Sir Fôn yn hollol hudolus. Wel mi o’n i’n gwybod hyna’n barod, ond ma’n rhaid bod pobl Vogue yn cytuno efo fi!

  • Gwnewch y pethau bach sy’n eich ysbrydoli heb feddwl am be gewch chi nôl. Mi oedd Elsi’n oer ac wedi blino ac isho mynd nôl i’r car, doedd y llun yma ddim wedi cael ei dynnu i ennill pres na fel rhan o’m musnes. Yr unig reswm i fi dynnu’r llun yna oedd achos o’n i’n hoffi’r olygfa.

  • Tynnwch luniau! Mae bywyd yn mynd mor gyflym, mae hi’n hawdd iawn mynd can milltir yr awr cyn sylwi bod y plant blwyddyn yn hyn, neu fod hi’n ddolig eto, neu’ch bod chi’n ‘mid 30s’ yn hytrach na ‘late 20s’!!

Os ydych chi’n byw o amgylch Caerdydd neu Bro Morgannwg, beth am i chi gysylltu er mwyn creu cofnod o’ch teulu chi. Dwi methu stopio amser (sori!), ond mi allai greu darlun o beth ma’ch bywyd chi’n edrych fel rwan, y funud yma.

Clare x


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