Winter Photoshoot / Y Gaeaf - North Wales Baby Photographer


Winter Photoshoot - North Wales Baby Photographer

*ewch i waelod y dudalen i ddarllen yn Gymraeg*

Hurrah - winter is here! It’s absolutely freezing this week, and contrary to what Elsi (my 3-year-old daughter) claims, you really do need a coat, hat, scarf and gloves to step out of the front door. I adore winter - blue skies, crisp days to go walking on the beach or in the countryside, and the sun so low in the sky that we both need sunglassess on the school run. Okay, so it gets dark early, but the trade off is the amazing sunsets at this time of year. And on the days when the rain is pelting the windows, you really don’t need more of an excuse to snuggle under a blanket, watching a dvd, hot chocolate in hand.

So does family photography stop over the winter months? Absolutely not! Thankfully, there are people out there who love the winter just as much as I do. When I was a teacher, I used to say quite often that ‘there’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing!’. I think this rings true out of the classroom too - with the right clothes (and the right attitude!), it really is possible to enjoy all kinds of weather.

little boy in winter clothing - south wales photographer
little boy in woolly hat smiling - south wales photographer

The family I worked with this week totally embraced the winter weather. It was the middle of January, 9am, and about 3*C. But they wrapped up warm and we had LOTS of fun. This little man really is the sweetest! His mummy absolutely nailed the styling - a red hat to contrast with the ivy? Perfection!

As a child and family photographer, I am constantly looking for pretty light wherever I am in North Wales. One of the perks of winter is the amazing light - the sun is so low in the sky, the mornings are frosty, and you don’t need to stay up until 10pm to get photos with a soft glow to them.

So if you live on Anglesey or around the North Wales, area, why not contact me to book a family photoshoot. I also offer gift vouchers that enable you to buy the session and a photo package - the perfect present for any family. And don’t forget to let me know in the comments section below what you love about winter!

Clare xx

About Me

Hi, I’m Clare, a baby photographer in North Wales who loves working outdoors with natural light. I cover Anglesey, North Wales and Cheshire for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book your family’s North Wales photoshoot, I can’t wait to meet you!


O’r diwedd mae’r gaeaf wedi cyrraedd go iawn! Mae hi’n gafael wythnos yma, ac mae wir angen côt, sgarff, het a menyg i gadw’n glyd, er gwaethaf beth mae Elsi Dafydd (fy merch fach tair mlwydd oed) yn deutha i! Dwi wrth fy modd efo’r gaeaf - awyr las, diwrnodau oer, mynd am dro ar lan y môr neu yng nghefn gwlad, a’r haul mor isel yn yr awyr nes i’r ddwy ohonyn ni orfod gwisgo sbectol haul tra’n neud ‘school run’. Yndi, mae hi’n nosi’n gynnar, ond o mam bach, does na’m curo machlud pinc y gaeaf, nagoes? Ac o leiaf pan mae hi’n dywyll fin-nos a’r glaw yn taro’r ffenstri fatha peli ping pong, mae na esgus go lew i swatio a gwatchiad dvd efo sioceld poeth.

Ella bod chi’n meddwl felly bod ffotograffiaeth plant / teulu yn dod i stop dros y gaeaf… nadi wir! Diolch byth fod na bobl allan yna sy’n joio’r gaeaf gymaint a dwi yn. Pan o’n i’n athrawes, mi oedd na ddywediad o’n i’n dweud yn aml - ‘does dim fasiwn beth a tywydd gwael, dim ond dillad anaddas!’. Ac mae’n wir dydi, hefo dillad addas (ac agwedd dda!!) mae hi’n bosib mwynhau bob math o dywydd.

little boy in navy coat
little boy and mum in park - south wales photographer
little boy peeping through gate - south wales photographer

Dyma beth yn union wnaeth y teulu bach yma. Oedd, mi oedd hi’n ganol mis Ionawr, 9 o’r gloch yn y bore, a tua 3*C. Ond mi oedd ganddyn nhw ddillad addas, ac mi oedd y sesiwn yma yn LOT o hwyl. Ac i ddweud y gwir mi wnaeth mam neud job GWYCH efo steilio’r hogyn bach. Het goch i sefyll allan yn erbyn yr eiddew? Clyfar iawn!

Mae goleuni’r gaeaf yn berffaith ar gyfer tynnu lluniau. Fel ffotograffydd plant a teulu, dwi wastad yn cadw golwg barcud ar oleuni del ar draws Ogledd Cymru. Gan fod yr haul mor isel yn yr awyr, does dim angen aros fyny tan 10 o’r gloch y nos i ddal y ‘glow’ na sy’n gwneud i luniau edrych mor ddel.

Felly os ydych chi yn byw yn ardal Ynys Môn, peidiwch a phoeni am y tywydd oer, cysylltwch er mwyn bwcio sesiwn ‘bywyd’ i’ch teulu chi. Mae croeso i chi hefyd brynu sesiwn fel rhodd - syniad gwych ar gyfer anrheg i deulu sbeshial. A chofiwch adael i fi wybod yn y ‘comments’ isod pam eich bod chi’n caru’r gaeaf!

Clare xx


Vogue Publication / Cyhoeddiad Vogue - North Wales Newborn Photographer


English - Diwrnod Santes Dwynwen / Saint Dwynwen's Day - North Wales Family Photographer