Top 5 Bluebells Woods in South Wales - Anglesey Family Photographer

brother and sister laughing in bluebells - south wales photographer

*ewch i lawr y dudalen i weld y Gymraeg*

Top 5 Bluebells Woods in South Wales - Anglesey Family Photographer

Spring is well and truly here! And just in time for the Easter holidays, hurrah! The weather has been so warm recently that nature thinks we’re at the start of May, not mid-April… I love my job doing outdoor photoshoots in South Wales, and I love the changing seasons. I’ve heard a lot of chat recently about Bluebell Woods in Wales, so I thought I’d share my thoughts on where to go if you want to enjoy these gorgeous flowers during the coming weeks.

1. Coed y Wenallt.

Probably the best known place to go in Cardiff to see bluebells, this lovely ancient woodland north of Rhiwbina village is a carpet of purple during late April / early May. There are a couple of small carparks but it gets VERY busy as soon as those bluebells appear!

four sisters in bluebells - south wales photographer

2. Fforest Fawr.

Tucked away behind Castell Coch, this forest is a lovely place to go for a walk at any time of year. In Spring, it really comes to life with bluebells and is a lovely place to go for a walk with smaller children who can explore the sculpture trail along the way.

little girl sitting in bluebells - south wales photographer

3. Coed-y-Bwl.

Not as vast as other bluebell woods, but that’s part of the charm. This little woodland is near St. Bride’s Major in the Vale of Glamorgan. There’s no parking as such but this means that it’s a lot quieter than some of the other bluebell woods.

mum and son kneeling in bluebells - south wales photographer

4. Bryngarw Country Park.

If you’re based further towards the Vale / Bridgend, then you might already know of this lovely little park. It has lots of facilities too - a cafe, toilets, easy parking - so it’s easy to make a day out of your trip to their bluebell woods.

little girl dancing in bluebells - south wales photographer

5. Cwm George & Casehill Woods.

This lovely woods near Dinas Powys has wide paths, parking, and beautiful bluebell trails.

If you’re visiting bluebell woods, please remember that these gorgeous flowers are protected - you can’t pick them or dig them up and if you trample on them, they take 2 years to recover. Have you spotted any bluebells out and about? Let me know in the comments section below where you’ll be going to spot them and why you love them so much :)

Clare x

About Me

Hi, I’m Clare, a North Wales family photogrpaher who spent 15 years living in the South and who loves working outdoors with natural light. I cover Anglesey, North Wales and Cheshire for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book your family’s North Wales photoshoot.

brother and sister laughing in bluebells - south wales photographer

Wel mae’r Gwanwyn yma, dydi?! A jyst mewn pryd i’r gwyliau Pasg - handi de? Mae’r tywydd wedi bod mor fwyn dros yr wsnosau dwytha nes fod hi’n anodd credu bod hi mond yn fis Ebrill. Dwi di mopio efo gweithio tu allan ar draws Caerdydd a’r Fro a dwi’n caru gweld y tymhorau’n newid. Dwi di clwad lot o bobl yn gofyn yn ddiweddar lle i fynd i weld Clychau’r Gog, felly dyma’r llefydd fyswn i’n argymell i’w gweld nhw ar draws De Cymru dros yr wythnosau nesaf.

  1. Coed y Wenallt.

    Sw’n i’n amau na dyma’r lle cyntaf i chi feddwl am os ydach chi isho gweld clychau’r gog yng Nghaerdydd. Coedwig hynafol i’r gogledd o Rhiwbeina ydi’r Wenallt ac yn ystod Ebrill a Mai, ma hi’n biws ar ei hyd. Mae na feusydd parcio bach, ond mae nhw’n brysur iawn unwaith mae clychau’r gog yn dechrau blodeuo!

  2. Fforest Fawr.

    Mae’r goedwig yma tu ôl i Gastell Coch, ger Caerffili. Mae’n le lyfli i ddod am dro yma unrhyw adeg o’r flwyddyn, ond yn y Gwanwyn mae hi’n fôr o biws. Mae na lwybr cerfluniau sy’n grêt ar gyfer y plantos lleiaf.

  3. Coed-y-Bwl.

    Dwi wrth fy modd efo’r goedwig fach yma wrth ymyl Sant-y-Brid, Bro Morgannwg. Mae hi mor bijou a does dim parcio, felly mae hi’n ddistawach o lawer na rhai o’r coedwigoedd eraill (sy’n siwtio fi a ‘nghamera i’r dim!).

  4. Parc Gweledig Bryngarw.

    Os ydach chi’n byw allan yn y Fro neu wrth ymyl Pen-y-Bont, ella bod chi’n gyfarwydd efo’r parc yma yn barod. Mae na lwyth o gyfleusterau yma - caffi, toiledau, maes parcio mawr - felly mae hi’n hawdd iawn treulio diwrnod cyfan yma tra’n joio coedwig clychau’r gog.

  5. Cwm George & Casehill Woods.

    Coedwig arall sydd efo parcio a llwybrau llydan - mae’n berffaith i’ch plantos lleiaf ddarganfod clychau’r gog am y tro cyntaf.

Os ydach chi’n ymweld â choedwig cylchau’r gog, plîs cofiwch da chi fod y blodau bach tlws yma wedi’u gwarchod gan y gyfraith - peidiwch a’u pigo ac os ydych chi’n sathru arnyn nhw, mi wnawn nhw cymryd 2 flynedd i dyfu nôl. Ydach chi wedi gweld clychau’r gog eto flwyddyn yma? Gadewch i fi wbod yn y ‘comments’ isod lle fyddwch chi’n mynd i’w gweld nhw a pam bo nhw’n sbeshial i chi.

Clare x


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