Spring / Y Gwanwyn - North Wales Baby Photographer

girl holding spring flowers - south wales photographer

*ewch i waelod y dudalen i ddarllen yn Gymraeg*

Spring / Y Gwanwyn - North Wales Baby Photographer

It’s cold and raining today and it’s hard to believe that this time tomorrow it’s supposed to be 21*c in North Wales… but then surely April showers are all part of the fun of Spring? Not knowing if you’ll need to wear shorts, a mac, a thick jumper, sandals or wellies. I do love Spring, with all its new life, colour and the anticipation of later nights, warmer weather and somehow reliving childhood again on those sunny days outdoors. I love the blossom on the trees and bushes and going for walks to find the perfect locations for my family photoshoots.

The image above is my favourite image of Spring so far this year and it was taken on a workshop for professional photographers run by the amazing Nina Mace. I used my favourite lens - the Canon 70-200 2.8L - at 200mm and f2.8 to create the blur effect in the background. Yes, it’s done in camera and not photoshop! It was taken during golden hour, when the sun is low in the sky and the light is soft. This little girl was standing in a cherry tree, with the sun filtering through from behind her. The grass under her feet was quite bright, so in order to make sure it didn’t appear in the photo, I lay on my front on the floor and angled my camera up. I hope you’ll agree that it was worth the effort!

I think the reason I love this image so much is that she looks so dreamy. She’s not quite looking at the camera, but somewhere in the distance. It’s full of soft light, peaches, pinks and creams, and I think it just reflects that she really is in the Spring of her life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post – if you would like to see more inspiration from other professional photographers within the #collaborationnotcompetition project then feel free to visit any  of the websites below:  

Anna Hurst Photography 

Catriona Mairi Photography

Charles Thorne Photography 

Clare Harding Photography 

Clare Walpole Photography

Dandelion Photography 

Derya Vicars Photography 

Hannah Cornford Photography 

Helen Rowan Photography 

Jo Haycock Photography 

Photography by Leela

Light Monkey Photography 

Louisa French Photography 

Lyndsey Abercromby

Lynne Harper Photography 

Mel Wilson Photography 

Nadine Brandt Photography

Sarah Gibson Photography 

Portrayed Photography

Danielle Reeder Photography

Tor Keene Photography 

Nina Mace Photography 

Clare x

About Me

Hi, I’m Clare, a North Wales baby photographer who loves working outdoors with natural light. I cover Anglesey, North Wales and Cheshire for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book your family’s North Wales photoshoot.

girl holding spring flowers - south wales photographer

Mae’r tywydd yn afiach heddiw - mae hi’n oer ac yn bwrw glaw - ond erbyn fory mae hi fod yn 21*c medden nhw! Mae cawodydd glaw yn rhan o’r hwyl yn ystod y Gwanwyn dydyn nhw - mae hi’n her go iawn i wisgo’n addas! Siorts? Côt law? Siwmper wlân? Sandals? Welis? Bob dim jyst rhag ofn?! Wedi deud hyn, dwi wir di mopio efo’r Gwanwyn - bywyd newydd ym mhobman, lliwiau’n dechrau ymddangos eto, tywydd cynnes a’r teimlad eich bod chi rhywsut yn ail-fyw eich plentyndod wrth fynd a dro hir ar lan y môr. Dwi’n caru’r ‘blossom’ sy’n ymddangos ar y coed a’r llwyni a mynd am dro i ffeindio’r lleoliad perffaith ar gyfer shwts teulu..

Mae’r llun dwi di rhannu yn y blog yma yn un o’m hoff rai o’r Gwanwyn hyd yn hyn. Nes i dynnu’r llun yma ar weithdy ar gyfer ffotograffwyr proffesiynol a defnyddio fy hoff lens - Canon 70-200 2.8L - efo’r settings 200mm a f2.8. Dyna beth sy’n rhoi’r ‘blur’ yn y cefndir - ia wir, ddim photoshop sy di neud hyna! Nes i dynnu’r llun yn ystod yr awr cyn i’r haul fachlud, pan mae’n isel yn yr awyr ac mae’r golau’n soft neis. Mae’r hogan fach yn y llun yn sefyll yng nghanol coeden geirios, efo’r haul tu ôl iddi. Er mwyn osgoi’r gwair gwyrdd llachar o dan ei thraed, gorweddais ar y llawr a pwyntio ‘nghamera fyny! Gobeithio’ch bod chi’n cytuno bod o werth yr ymdrech!

Dwi’n meddwl mai’r rheswm dwi’n licio’r llun ma cyn gymaint ydi’r ffaith fod hi’n edrych mor ddiniwed a phlentynaidd ynddo. Dydi hi ddim yn edrych yn syth mewn i’r camera, ond yn hytrach y meddwl am rhywbeth arall ac yn sbïo i’r pellter. Mae’r lliwiau’n berffaith ar gyfer y Gwanwyn ac yn adlewyrchu’r ffaith ei bod hi yng Ngwanwyn ei bywyd hi ei hun.

Diolch am ddarllen y blog yma. Mae’n rhan o’r prosiect #collaborationnotcompetition ac os hoffech chi weld gwaith y ffotograffwyr eraill sy’n cymryd rhan, cliciwch y lincs uwchben y llun.

Clare x


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