10 Christmas gift ideas from Cardiff Businesses - North Wales Family Photographer
*ewch i waelod y dudalen i ddarllen yn Gymraeg*
10 Christmas gift ideas from Cardiff Businesses - North Wales Family Photographer
*this blog was written when I live in south wales - lots of the ideas are still available to buy online*
It’s November, the children have gone back to school, and I know that I for one definitely need to start thinking about Christmas. Does anyone else love searching for gifts? Cardiff is such a treasure trove of independent businesses which makes it super easy to find something special for someone special. I’m sure that there are LOADS of gifts that I haven’t thought of (and if you’re a local business in Cardiff, the Vale of Glamorgan, or South Wales - get in touch to see if I can add you to the list!), but here’s a rundown of my 10 favourite gift ideas from Cardiff businesses for this year.
Personal Training Sessions with SC Fitness. Sian at SC Fitness is amazing. I used to think that personal trainers were scary, but Sian is anything but. She encourages healthy eating, not dieting, and offers meal ideas and food guidance alongside training sessions. With sessions from £35, couldn’t we all use a little guidance after a few treats over Christmas?
Lush food from Canna Deli in Pontcanna.
2. Deli Hamper from Canna Deli. This little deli in Pontcanna is stocked full of Welsh foodie treats. Owner Elin Wyn Jones has sourced wines, biscuits, beers, chocolate, spirits and coffee from all over Wales, and sells award winning cheeses from her own family’s farm on Anglesey (aka the nicest place on earth). As you can create your own hamper, prices and contents can be tailored to your recipient’s taste. Lush.
3. Coffee Subscription from Manumit. If you’ve ever met me in person you’ll realise one thing fairly quickly. I run on coffee. ‘Manumit’ means ‘to free from slavery; to set free’ and this amazing tasting coffee is roasted in Cardiff by survivors of modern day slavery. This company trains people who have survived being trafficked and teaches them the skills they need to become coffee roasters as well as working with external agencies to help them rebuild their lives. Monthly subscriptions are £6.75/month, or if you’re like me, £6/week for a bag every week.
Award Winning products from Penylan Preserves.
5. Jams and Chutneys from Penylan Preserves. In our house we have a tradition of eating a 'Christmas Platter’ for dinner or Christmas Eve. It’s basically a mini buffet (yum) and wouldn’t be complete without some lovely locally-made chutney. There’s such a wide variety of flavours on offer from Penylan Preserves that it would be impossible not to find one that your friends and family will love. They also offer gift boxes with 3 jams or chutneys for £12.
Beautiful soft muslins from Mother England.
7. Swaddle Bundle from Mother England. Swaddles aren’t just for newborns, don’t you know! These gorgeous, soft muslins can be used as swaddles, light blankets, beach ponchos and general snuggling. They’re available in 3 colours, sustainably sourced and made after being designed by the lovely Harriet. XL swaddle bundles are a perfect gift for new parents or new babies and are priced at £49.95.
Cakes galore at the Celtic Manor.
8. Afternoon Tea at Celtic Manor. There are so many places in Cardiff that offer afternoon teas, but in my humble opinion, the Celtic Manor has got to be one of the best. Their seasonal afternoon teas need to be booked in advance (or you can buy a gift voucher for afternoon tea for 2) and come with an amazing selection of tiny sandwiches, scones, cakes, pastries and your choice of tea. Weekday bookings are from £21.50 per person.
Lone Stag Spirits Collection.
9. Gin from Lone Stag Spirits. What’s not to love about this company? Spirits including gin and vodka that are handmade in the Vale of Glamorgan in tiny batches and that taste amazing. Oh and they’re award winning too. The raspberry gin is divine, but if you know someone who likes to taste before they buy a whole bottle of something, why not try the ‘Mini Spirit Collection’ which includes 4 flavours presented in a wooden gift box for £39.
10. Photoshoot Gift Voucher from Clare Harding Photography. I mean, I couldn’t not include this in my own blog, could I?! If you’re looking for an extra special gift for family or friends, head over to my gift voucher page to buy them something that will last a lifetime. My vouchers include the session fee and an images package, so the recipient can enjoy the whole experience without worrying about ‘topping up’ the voucher.
I hope you’ve found something on this list that inspires you to start your Christmas shopping! I will be sending this blog to my husband, hopefully he’ll take the hint that I’d love any of the things off this list. Happy Shopping!
Clare x
About Me
Hi, I’m Clare, North Wales family photographer who loves working outdoors with natural light. I cover Anglesey, North Wales and Cheshire for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book your family’s North Wales photoshoot, I can’t wait to meet you!
Mam bach, mae hi’n fis Tachwedd yn barod! Rwan bod y fechan nôl yn ‘rysgol, ma wir angen i fi ddechra meddwl am y Nadolig. Dwi wrth fy modd yn chwilota am bresanta Nadolig i bawb, ac yn licio gwneud rhestra di-ri, cyn mynd i siopa a gobeithio ffeindio anrhegion gwreiddiol i’m teulu a’m ffrindia. Mae Caerdydd a’r Fro yn llawn dop o siopa a busesna annibynnol, felly mae hi’n eithaf hawdd i ddod o hyd i betha sy’ dipyn bach yn wahanol i’r arfer. Dwi’n sicr fy mod i heb sôn am bawb a phob dim yn y rhestr yma, ac os oes gennych chi fusnes yn Gaerdydd, y Fro, neu De Cymru, mae croeso i chi gysylltu efo fi i weld os allai adio chi ar y rhestr yma. Ond dyma i chi 10 syniad o bresantau lyfli gan fusnesa lleol i helpu chi ddechra’ch siopa Dolig.
Sesiynau Ffitrwydd efo SC Fitness. Mae Sian (SC Fitness) yn anhygeol. O’n i’n arfer meddwl am Personal Trainers fel pobl scary oedd yn mynd i weiddi arnai a neud i fi grio. Dwi’n falch o ddeud bod Sian ddim fel ‘ma o gwbl! Mae hi’n helpu efo syniadau ar gyfer prydau bwyd (yn hytrach na ‘deiat’) a sut i fyw bywyd iach ynghyd a’i sesiynau ffitrwydd a chodi pwysau. Mae sesiynau yn dechrau o £35 ac yn syniad da iawn uda i ar ôl trîts dros Dolig…
2. Hamper Bwyd o Canna Deli. Os da chi’n darllen hwn a ddim yn gwbod lle ma Canna Deli, ma rhaid bo chi a) newydd symud i Gaerdydd neu b) wedi bod yn byw mewn ogof am dair mlynadd. Mae Elin Wyn Jones, sy’n berchen a’r deli, wedi dod a casgliad lyfli ynghyd o fwydydd, gwîn, bisgedi, cwrw a siocled o hyd a lled Cymru. Ac wrth gwrs mae Sir Fôn yn cael ei gynrychioli gan gaws Rhyd y Delyn, sef y caws sy’n cael ei wneud ar fferm ei theulu ger Pentraeth. Mi allwch chi ddewis yn union be di cynnwys yr hampers, ac felly faint mae nhw’n eu costio. Lysh.
3. Tanysgrifiad Coffi o Manumit. Os ydach chi erioed wedi ‘ngwrdd â i, mi fyddwch chi wedi sylwi’n eitha handi fy mod i angen coffi’n gyson. Lot fawr iawn o goffi. Mae’r gair ‘Manumit’ yn golygu ‘i ryddhau pobl sy’n gaeth’ ac mae’r coffi hynod blasus yma yn cael ei rhostio yma yn Gaerdydd gan bobl sydd wedi goroesi cael eu prynu a’u gwerthu mewn i’r sefyllfaoedd mwyaf erchyll. Mae’r cwmni yma yn dysgu sgiliau iddyn nhw sydd yn eu galluogi i ddechrau gweithio eto, ac yn gweithio efo asiantaethau allanol i helpu nhw ddechrau bywydau newydd. Mae tanysgrifiad misol yn £6.75/mis, neu, os da chi fel fi, mae bag bob wsos yn £6/wsos.
5. Jam a Siytni a Penylan Preserves. Oeddech chi’n gwybod fod ‘jam’ yn cael ei sillafu fel ‘siam’ cyn i’r lythyren j cael ei chyflwyno i’r wyddor Gymraeg?! Does gan hynna ddim byd i neud efo’r rhestr yma, ond dwi joio’r ffaith yna ta beth! Ynd ein ty ni, mi ydan ni’n byta ‘Christmas Platter’ bob Noswyl Nadolig (mae o fel byffé bitw bach - iym) ac mae siytni Penylan Preserves yn ffitio’r achlysur yn berffaith. Mae na gymaint o wahanol flasau nes ei bod hi’n amhosib peidio ffeindio o leiaf un da chi’n licio. Maen nhw hefyd yn cynnig bocsys rhodd efo 3 jam neu siytni am £12.
7. Blancedi Babi gan Mother England. Dydi blancedi fel ‘ma (swaddles) ddim jyst ar gyfer babis bitw bach! Mae’r blancedi ysgafn, meddal, hynod biwtiffyl yma yn berffaith ar gyfer cydlo, swatio, mynd i lan môr neu fel hancesi ar gyfer trwyna bach. Ma nhw ar gael mewn 3 lliw gwahanol ac yn cael eu dylunio gan Harriet, sy’n fam i 3 ac yn byw y Mro Morgannwg. Mae’r ‘XL Swaddle Bundle’ yn berffaith ar gyfer rhieni newydd neu fabis ac yn costio £49.95.
8. Te Pnawn yn y Celtic Manor. Mae na restr hirfaith o lefydd yn Gaerdydd sy’n cynnig Te Pnawn, ond yn fy marn i, y Celtic Manor sy’n mynd a hi. Mae angen bwcio’u te pnawn tymhorol o flaen llaw (neu f’allwch chi brynu cerdyn rhodd ar gyfer te pnawn i 2) ac maen nhw’n cynnwys bechdana bitw bach, sgons, teisis bach a’ch dewis chi o de. Mae prisiau’n dechrau o £21.50 bob pen ar gyfer te pnawn yn ystod yr wythnos.
9. Gin o Lone Stag Spirits. Dwi’n ffan MAWR o gin da. Ac mae’r cwmni yma’n creu gin DA. Mae’r gin yma’n cael ei greu ym Mro Morgannwg fesul dipyn bach ac yn blasu’n grêt. Maen nhw wedi ennill gwobra am eu gin a dydi hynny’n synnu fi dim. Mae’r gin mafon yn lysh, ond ella bo chi’n nabod rhywun sy’n licio blasu dipyn bach o bob dim cyn iddyn nhw brynu potel cyfan? Mae’r ‘Mini Spirit Collection’ yn berffaith felly - £39 am 4 botel mini wedi’u cynnwys o fewn bocs pren.
10. Cerdyn Rhodd gan Ffotograffiaeth Clare Harding. Do, mi nes i gynnwys fi fy hun yn y blog yma! Os ydach chi’n sbïo am anrheg sbeshial ar gyfer teulu neu ffrindiau, ewch draw i’r dudalen Cardiau Rhodd er mwyn prynu presant unigryw fydd wir yn para am byth. Mae ‘nghardiau rhodd yn cynnwys y ffî sesiwn a pecyn lluniau, sy’n golygu bod dim angen i’ch teulu a’ch ffrinidau gyfrannu dim at y profiad, dim ond mwynhau.
Dwi wir yn gobeithio’ch bod chi wedi ffeindio rwbath ar yr rhestr yma sydd wedi’ch ysbrydoli i gychwyn eich siopa Dolig! Dwi jyst am ddanfon y blog yma at ‘ngwr, rhag ofn bod o’n styc am syniadau…
Clare x