Cardiff Life Awards Finalist 2020 - Newborn Photographer South Wales

south wales photographer family in oilseed field

Cardiff Life Awards Finalist 2020 - South Wales Newborn Photographer

Well what a week that was! Last week, I found out that I’d been selected as a finalist in the 2020 Cardiff Life Awards. The awards celebrate the best businesses in Cardiff and the surrounding area and are super glamorous! I was obviously thrilled to be chosen, as well as shocked - the standard for the finalists is really high and I’m honoured to be among them. The awards themselves take place on the 19th of March - I’d better get searching for an outfit…
I was also excited to see the the BBC had published my gallery of winter photos that they’d commissioned from me. It’s really lovely to see my images on their website and I’d like to thank everyone who’s been in touch to congratualte me :) You can see the full gallery here.
I might have a little something up my sleeve for this week too, but I’m a bit too nervous to tell you about that yet!

Clare x

Ges i wsos a hanner wsos dwytha! Ges i wbod fy mod i wedi cyrraedd rhestr fer Gwobrau Cardiff Life 2020, sy’n dathlu llwyddiant busnesau’r brifddinas dros y flwyddyn dwytha. Dwi wrth fy modd i weld fy enw i ochr yn ochr efo rhai o fusnesa gorau’r ddinas! Ma’r noson wobrwyo ei hun (ar Fawrth y 19eg) yn rili glam, felly well i fynd ati i ffeinidio rwbath call i wisgo…
Nid dyna oedd yr unig beth mawr i ddigwydd wsos dwytha! Cwpl o fisoedd yn ôl, ges i gais gan y BBC i greu oriel o luniau gaeafol. Mi gafodd yr oriel ei gyhoeddi wsos dwytha ac mi oedd hi’n beth mawr i mi gael gweld fy lluniau ar eu gwefan. Diolch i bawb sydd wedi sbïo’n barod ac i bawb sydd wedi cysylltu i’m llongyfarch. Os da chi heb weld o eto, dyma’r oriel cyfan.
Ella wir bo na rwbath bach arall exciting yn digwydd wsos yma, ond dwi’n rhy nerfus i ddeutha chi eto!

Clare x

About Me

Hi, I’m Clare, a 2020 Cardiff Life Awards Finalist! I’m a South Wales baby photographer and family photogrpaher who loves working outdoors with natural light. I cover Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book your family’s South Wales photoshoot.


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