Another 3 awards from the Guild of Photographers - North Wales Family Photographer
Another 3 awards from the Guild of Photographers - Family Photographer North Wales
Last week flew by - it was half term in Cardiff and so I decided to take the week off to spend with my daughter. It rained every day apart from on one afternoon, so we did lots of indoor based activities and discovered that she’s really good at making bracelets with Disney princess beads! Anyway. At the end of last week, I found out that I’d won 3 more Bronze Awards from the prestigious Guild of Photographers and I was thrilled! One of them was for this little beauty - Huxie the cavapoo. She was 16 weeks old when we did her photoshoot and such a well behaved pup. As a dog owner myself (2 very naughty beagles incase you were wondering…) I know how much pets are part of your family and I love knowing that these photos will be framed and displayed proudly in the owner’s home.
A few weeks ago, I was asked by a client what exactly the ‘Award Winning’ on my website reffered to. As I was telling him, I realised that apart from a few mentions on my Instagram and Facebook pages, and a few blog posts here and there, I didn’t actually have somewhere that showcased my features and awards. I’m not one to show off, shout about it or talk myself up, especially when it comes to my business (I’m the one who, in interviews, is always stumped when they ask me why I should get the job!). I like to think that if you like me, like my style, and like my price - you’ll book me. Having said that, I am really proud of my achievements so far, and if you look on my homepage, as of today, you’ll see a little section at the bottom which links to my Awards and Features page. I hope that doesn’t make me seem boastful!
Clare x
About Me
Hi, I’m Clare, an award winning North Wales family photographer who loves working with natural light to create beautiful modern portraits of babies, children, families and pets. I cover Anglesey, North Wales and Cheshire for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book your family’s North Wales photoshoot.

Wel dyna ni - hanner tymor gwlyb iawn wedi gorffen yng Nghaerdydd! Wsos dwytha, nes i roi wsos off i fi fy hun er mwyn treulio amser efo Elsi fach. Mi naethon ni ffeindio bod hi efo talent go iawn i greu breichledi efo gleiniau Disney princess! Ta waeth. Ar ddiwedd yr wsos, nes i ffeindio allan fy mod i wedi ennill 3 gwobr Efydd o’r Guild of Photographers yn eu cystadleuaeth misol. Mi o’n i di mopio! Un o’r lluniau gafodd ei wobrwyo oedd y portread yma o Huxie - y cafapw 16 wsos oed. Mae gen i 2 gi fy hun (beagles bach drwg!) felly dwi’n dallt yn iawn pa mor bwysig ydyn nhw i’r teulu a dwi mor hapus efo’r ffaith fod prints Huxie bach rwan yn cael eu harddangos yn nhy’r perchnogion.
Cwpl o wsnosa ‘nôl, mi oedd un o ‘nghwsmeriaid yn gofyn i mi beth yn union oedd ‘Award Winning’ yn golygu. Tra o’n i’n esbonio beth yn union o’n i wedi ennill, nes i sylweddoli bod na ddim rili un lle canolog lle o’n i’n sôn am fy llwyddianna ers i fi ddechra’r busnes. Dwi ddim yn un i siarad amdana fi fy hun, heb sôn am frolio fy hun, a dwi wastad yn meddwl os da chi’n licio fi, licio fy steil, a licio’r prîs, newch chi bwcio fi. Ond, wedi deud hynny, dwi yn gweithio’n andros o galed ac mae o’n neis gweld bod na gydnabyddiaeth gan bobl sy’n llawer (llawer llawer) gwell na fi! Felly o heddiw ymlaen, mae na linc o dudalen gyntaf y wefan at dudalen Awards and Features, efo’r gobaith bod hyna ddim yn neud i fi swnio’n ymffrostgar!
Clare x
Amdana i
Haia! Clare dwi - hogan gwlad y medra balch sydd yn byw yn Sir Fôn ac yn gweithio fel ffotograffydd dros Gogledd Cymru. Cysylltwch er mwyn bwcio shwt babi, plantos neu teulu a gadewch i fi roi’ch stori chi ar gof a chadw am flynyddoedd i ddod.