Luminate Wales at Margam Park | North Wales Photographer
*ewch i waelod y dudalen i ddarllen yn Gymraeg*
Luminate Wales at Margam Park - FAmily Photoshoot North Wales
A few weeks ago, I recieved an invitation to attend the private launch of Luminate Wales at Margam Park. If you’ve read any of my other blogs, you’ll know that as a family we love Margam Park all year round! It’s just one of those places where children can be children. So I was really excited when I found out that it wasn’t only me who was invited, but that I could bring my family too! I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but told Elsi (our 4 year old daughter) that we were going to see some beautiful lights and have an adventure walk. She was SO excited, and the event didn’t disappoint.
As soon as we parked, we could see the gorgeous colours of the lights and hear the gentle music playing and knew that this was going to be a magical night. The thing about Els is that she loves to run, explore and be independent. The trail was perfect for her - there was only one path to follow, which meant that she could follow the bulbs and know exactly which way she needed to lead her mummy and daddy! She kept stopping and exclaiming “Wow!” - always a good sign. Not only were there beautifully lit trees and ornaments , but there were also tasks to complete along the way, light tunnels to run through, a maze to hide in, a bridge to cross, marshmallows to toast, and a fairy garden to explore.
The trail took us around and hour and a half to complete, but it was an easy walk (buggy friendly too!) and so enjoyable that it didn’t feel like we’d been out for that long. It started raining after around an hour, but I can honestly say that it didn’t affect our enjoyment. I’m really not one for rain, my hair protests by turning into frizz. But Els was in her snowsuit, we had hoods and we were all wearing wellies, so I think that as long as you come prepared, the rain shouldn’t really affect the experience. Plus, if we waited for dry weather to do fun things, we’d barely get anything done now, would we?!
If you’re looking for a magical experience for your family, head over to the Luminate Wales website to book tickets - it runs every evening from now until the 23rd of December. Take some cash for mulled wine and marshmallows, wrap up warm, and take loads of photos along the way - this is something you’ll want to look back on with your children when they’re grown up! Scroll down for some of the photos I took last night, and don’t forget to leave me a comment, I can’t wait to hear what you thought of the light trail :)
Clare x
About Me
Hi, I’m Clare, North Wales family photographer who loves working outdoors with natural light (or in this case barely any light at all!). I cover Anglesey, North Wales and Cheshire for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book a family photoshoot in North Wales, I can’t wait to meet you!

Mi ges i ebost hynod ecseiting tua mis yn ôl - gwahoddiad i fynd i ‘launch night’ y digwyddiad Luminate Wales ym Mharc Margam. Wel o’n i di mopio! Mi o’n i di gweld y lluniau o bethau tebyg yn digwydd yn Lloegr, ond dyma’r tro cyntaf i’r ffasiwn beth ddod atyn ni yng Nghymru. Mi o’n i’n fwy cyffrous fyth i glwad fod Elsi fach (sy’n bedair oed) wedi ei gwahodd hefyd. Do’n i ddim cweit yn siwr be i ddisgwyl gan fod y digwyddiad yn un newydd sbon, ond mi gafon ni ein siomi ar yr ochr ora - mi oedd hi’n noson lyfli.
Erbyn i ni barcio, mi oedd hi’n amlwg fod noson hudolus o’n blaenau. Mi oedd y goleuadau a’r miwsig tawel yn ein denu ni’n syth bin, ac mi oedd Elsi’n gyffrous iawn i ddechrau ar ein taith o amgylch y parc. Dilynodd Elsi’r llwybr yr holl ffordd rownd, a gan mai un llwybr yn unig sydd, mi oedd hi’n ddigon saff ac yn teimlo fel mai hi oedd y bos, yn arwain a thywys mami a dadi! Mi gafodd y gair “Wow!” ei ddeud LOT - arwydd da ei bod hi’n joio! Fedrai ddim dychmygu pa mor hudolus oedd y noson yma iddi - coed wedi’u goleuo, tasgau i’w cwblhau, twneli goleuadau i redeg drwddynt, drysfa i guddio ynddo, pont i’w groesi, marshmalos i’w tostio, a gardd tylwyth teg i’w archwilio.
Dechreuodd hi fwrw tua awr ar ôl i ni ddechra’n taith, ond i fod yn hollol onest, mi oedden ni wedi gwisgo’n addas (snowsuit i’r fechan a welis i bawb!), felly doedd hyna ddim yn mynd i’n stopio ni rhag joio! Doedd fy ngwallt ddim yn hapus iawn efo’r glaw (frizz!), ond roedd pawb yn ddigon hapus i gario mlaen. Mi gymrodd y daith cyfan tua awr a hanner i ni - ar lwybrau eitha fflat, llydan ac yn addas i fygis.
Os ydach chi’n edrach am rwbath gwahanol i wneud efo’ch teulu chi cyn Dolig, ewch draw i wefan Luminate Wales er mwyn bwcio tocynnau - mae’r digwyddiad ymlaen bob nos o heno ma tan y 23ain o Ragfyr. Ewch a cash ar gyfer mulled wine a marshmalos, gwisgwch yn gynnes, a tynnwch llwyth o luniau ar hyd y daith! Mae hon yn noson hudolus ac mi fyddach chi isho atgoffa’ch plant chi o’r hud a’r lledrith mewn blynyddoedd i ddod. Sgroliwch fyny i weld fy lluniau i o’r noson a gadewch i fi wbod yn y ‘comments’ isod be da chi’n feddwl o Luminate yn Mharc Margam.
Clare x
Amdana i
Haia! Clare dwi, ffotograffydd sy’n gweithio ar draws Gogledd Cymru i greu portreuadau modern o fabis, plantos a theuluoedd. Cysylltwch heddiw er mwyn bwcio shwt i’ch teulu chi, fedrai’m aros i gwrdd â chi :)