Black and White / Du a Gwyn - North Wales Family Photographer

south wales photographer family in oilseed field

*ewch i waelod y dudalen i ddarllen yn Gymraeg*

Black and White / Du a Gwyn - North Wales Family Photographer

I started to write a blog about why I love black and white photos and what makes a great black and white image. And it took me ages, and my words got muddled and I couldn’t organise my thoughts (and so I deleted everything I’d written!). And then it hit me – an amazing black and white image captures something that just can’t be put into words. There’s no colour in it to distract from the emotion and connection that’s captured in it.  A great black and white photo is all about the moment and what’s being felt right there and then.

This is my favourite black and white image that I’ve taken recently. I actually shot it in colour as it was taken during a family session in an oilseed field and I wanted to capture the beautiful colour of the crop. But when I was retouching the gallery, the moment captured in this photo melted my heart. I instantly converted it to black and white and edited it from there as I wanted the focus of the image to be on the connection between the girls and Dad’s obvious delight in the moment.

For the photographers reading this – I used my Canon 5d MK iv and my 70-200 2.8L at 200mm and wide open at f2.8. It was shot into the sun at golden hour – my favourite time of any day!

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post – if you would like to see more inspiration from other professional photographers within the #collaborationnotcompetition project then feel free to visit any  of the websites below:  

Anna Hurst Photography 

Catriona Mairi Photography

Charles Thorne Photography 

Clare Harding Photography 

Clare Walpole Photography

Dandelion Photography 

Derya Vicars Photography 

Hannah Cornford Photography 

Helen Rowan Photography 

Jo Haycock Photography 

Photography by Leela

Light Monkey Photography 

Louisa French Photography 

Lyndsey Abercromby

Lynne Harper Photography 

Mel Wilson Photography 

Nadine Brandt Photography

Sarah Gibson Photography 

Portrayed Photography

Danielle Reeder Photography

Tor Keene Photography 

Nina Mace Photography 

Clare x

About Me

Hi, I’m Clare, a family photographer in North Wales who loves working outdoors with natural light. I cover Anglesey, North Wales and Cheshire for maternity, newborn, child and family photoshoots. Get in touch if you’d like to book your family’s North Wales photoshoot.

south wales photographer family in oilseed field

Nes i ddechra sgwennu blog am pam bo fi di mopio efo lluniau du a gwyn a be sy’n neud un da. Nath o gymryd aaaaaages i fi ac o’n i di drysu a doedd o ddim yn llifo ac mi oedd y geiriau’n swnio’n od. Felly nes i gael gwared o bob dim o’n i di sgwennu. Ac wedyn nes i sylweddoli be yn union dwi’n caru am luniau du a gwyn - mae na rwbath amdanyn nhw sy’n cyfleu mwy na sy’n bosib cyfleu mewn geiriau’n unig. Does dim lliw i dynnu’r sylw oddi ar y teimladau sy’n cael eu cyfleu yn y llun ac mae’r foment yn cael ei ddal yn berffaith.

Dyma fy hoff llun du a gwyn i mi dynnu’r flwyddyn yma hyd yn hyn. Mi dynis i hwn yn ystod sesiwn teulu mewn cae hadau olew - lloeliad naethon ni ddewis ar gyfer y lliw lyfli sydd i’w gweld yna adeg yma’r flwyddyn. Ond wrth i mi sbïo drwy’r lluniau ar ôl y sesiwn, mi oedd y foment sydd wedi ei ddal yn y llun yma yn neud i mi deimlo’n hapus iawn, iawn, iawn. Nes i drosi’r llun i ddu a gwyn yn syth bin cyn ei olygu er mwyn sicrhau fod cariad y genod bach yma at ei gilydd ac ymateb eu tad i’r foment yn cael y sylw llawn mae’n haeddu.

Os ydych chi’n darllen hwn ac yn ffotograffydd - mi wnes i iwsio fy nghamera Canon 5d MK iv a lens 70-200 2.8L ar yr ochr hir 200mm ac yn lled agored yn f2.8. Mi o’n i’n gwynebu’r haul yn ystod ‘golden hour’ - joio byw :)

Diolch am ddarllen y blog yma. Mae’n rhan o’r prosiect #collaborationnotcompetition ac os hoffech chi weld gwaith y ffotograffwyr eraill sy’n cymryd rhan, cliciwch y lincs uwchben y llun.

Clare x


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